Time to shove off. Our boat instructor and Lauren.
Deanne and Nick are ready to go.
On our way down the Arkansas River.
Fitz and Nick watching Lauren rowing.
Her Majesty's Launch starting to hit some rapids.
It looks like Tom and Tommy are the only ones in the boat!
C(L-R) 1st. Row - Deanne, Jenny, Victoria and Terry.
(L-R) 2nd Row - Nick, Doc, Lauren, Leslye, Patty, Saundra and Cookie.
(L-R) 3rd Row - Smitty, Tommy, Tom, Pete, Bill, Bryan, John and Jack.
(L side) Tom, Bryan, Bill.
(R. side) Tommy, Pete and Smitty.
Deanne and Nick observing the others.
The "Splashers". Whenever Tom's raft got close to us they threw water at us with their oars.
Tom's raft takes heavy hit.
They're making their way out and are still afloat!
Okay - Which way do we go?
Top Row - Fitz, Nick, Leslye and our guide.
Bottom Row - Lauren, Deanne, Terry and Doc.
Pete, Smitty, Brian, Tom and Saundra after getting out of their rafts.
Jack and Smitty, along with everyone else, getting ready to board the bus back.