Pg. 6
Tom, Jim and Bill.  All Kilo 1st platoon leaders at different times during 1968 - 69. 
Nick, Julie giving the "peace sign" and Bryan laughing.
Ron, Ken, Jim, Steve and Naomi waiting for the buffet.
Steve, Naomi, Marianne and Dave with a crippled hand.
Nancy, Kathy, Roger standing, Carolyn, Mick and Candace gabbing away.
Carolyn, Candace Dan and Tom hoping they're the next table for the buffet.
Tom, Whitey, Marlene and Nancy still waiting.
Leslye, Nick and Julie also being left behind on the food.
Fitz, Terry, Deanne and Leslye telling jokes.
Finally the buffet line starts to move.
Norm finishing up his meal.
Bill S., Bill Weinmann, bruce and pete talking about fishing.
Barbara, Bill H., Sandra, Bill S., and Bill Weimann talking about going on vacation.
Zach, Ryan, Gary, Debbie, Elaine, Linda and Chuck.
Pete explaining how hard it was to get this reunion accomplished.
Roger also explaining how hard it was to get this reunion accomplished.
Lauren and Tyler looking on as Tom explains what a great time he had because he didn't have to worry about doing the reunion this year.