2024 - Salt Lake City, Utah
Pg. 2
Since 1893 Bison were brought in to run free all over Antelope Island.  It's a perfect habitat for them.  There's now about 600 on the island.
​Everyone taking a look at Lake Bonneville
At the next stop I don't know what this is.  Ron looking in the sky at something and Leslye and Deanne seeing the same object straight ahead?
Cookie's seen enough; he just wants to take a break and relax. 
 Group shot:  (l-r) starting at 1st row:  Doc, Cookie, Candace, Dan, Joanne, Shilin and Greg.
2nd row:  Leslye, Deanne, Kathy, Terry, Barbara, Bill H., Sandra, Ron, Patti and Ann.
3rd row:  Roger, Ted, Naomi, Steve, Nick, Pat, Jack, Tom and Fitz.
Riding horses is frequently seen on the island.
The Fielding Garr Ranch built in 1848 where they raised cattle and sheared sheep every year.  This area was for sheering the sheep.
There were also horses  on the ranch which helped with various other tasks including rounding up the sheep for shearing once a year.
Patti loves horses.
Rock formation from millions of years ago.