It was a long time ago in a country devastated by wars that I met this Marine with determination etched in his face
He had an attitude that was always upbeat and never hinted that he would accept defeat
Everyone in the platoon looked up to him and acknowledged his faith by believing his
determination would insure their fate
He was always there no matter the situation and would fight 'til death to prove his dedication
He was a Marine where no boundaries could stop him and his determination would never desert him
Many years have passed since the war has ended and nothing has changed
He continues to be challenged but never stops fighting for he always knows God is with him
His wife and daughter, forever faithful, believing and caring without hesitation
His friends and fellow marines are still with him praying each day for his full recovery
When he can be at our side rekindling old memories
Dedicated to Ski, Marge and Sarah Kwiatkowski
With Love,
Doc, Leslye and Lauren
August 2007