'Kilo' Co.       (Re-written from article                                    below).

Gets Some

In Sweep

By Sgt. Doug Pennington
DA NANG:  ---------  In action 
recently within the 1st Marine
Division area members of Com-
pany K. 3rd Battalion, 26th Ma-
rines were responsible for the 
death of four enemy soldiers and
the capture of numerous weap-
ons and supplies.
Moving out, the "Kilo" Co.
Marines conducted a two-day
sweep and clear mission ap-
proximately eight miles north-
west of here.
  The first day of the operation
proved fruitful as the Marines
found 13 122 mm rockets, several
Chinese Communist (ChiCom)
grenades, hundreds of AK-47
rifle rounds and a substantial
amount of rice.
  As the Marines moved into
their second day of sweeping the
mountainous area they felt sure
that the enemy within that area
were few and far between and
that they surely weren't going to
see any on this short trip to the
  However, about halfway
through the day, on the last leg
of their sweep, the Marines were
surprised when their command
post began receiving sniper fire.
When the first few rounds hit,
the combat unit immediately
took defensive measures and be-
gan returning fire.  Within a few
short minutes the Marines'
heavy fire power had completely
overwhelmed the enemy and
contact was broken.

Rewritten from newspaper clipping below:
Click here to add text.
Message from Commanding General
Message from Regimental Commander