Dave & I met in DaNang after arriving from CA and were both assigned to Kilo 3/26. For some reason we hit it off real well and became friends in spite of marines rotating home saying don’t make friends, new guys don’t last long. After Russel Beach they formed up a weapons platoon. Dave had a blooper and I was in 60 mortars. I traveled with the CP and Dave was in 1st platoon. We kept in touch and shared our life stories over time. I knew everything about him. He was the kind of person you couldn’t get mad at no matter what he said or did. We both made it until Sept.’69 on Hill 190, I was on watch in the old French tower with the night scope. Called in movement just after dark. Back in those days you had to check with the CP before you open up. They had to check for "friendly civilians” in the area. A damn joke if you ask me. Dave was on the KT that night on the Claw when they got ambushed. He found an AK round with his name on it. Capt. Barba was the CO at the time and they couldn’t send a Dust off for some reason. If it wasn’t for a guy named Fitz and the others to get him back, he would have bled out. Because Capt. Barba knew he was my friend, he let me go to the Rear and see him before they sent him to the Hospital Ship then home. Being very religious and his girlfriend always worried about him, I wrote his family about everything and let them know he was okay. I didn’t trust the Military to send their info.I made it through my tour and rotated in Jan.’70. Checked out in CA and went right to Georgia before I went home. Stayed with his family and visited Dave in the Hospital. Returned to Georgia that year and was in his wedding. My wife and I made many visits over the years. We all watched each others kids grow up. After I retired and began going to the Reunions, I tried to get Dave to go. He was too busy on the farm to leave. Finally after he retired from Teaching he went to his first reunion in Atlanta. Loved it and enjoyed seeing all the guys. He wanted to go to the Nashville Reunion but Cancer took over. He passed away on Feb. 20th 2021. He will be missed by many and the world has lost another great guy.
David Smallidge

Dave Smallidge visiting Dave Kincaid on his farm