Pg. 5
Chuck Cammack gives photo presentation of pictures from Vietnam belonging to him and Gary Pendling.
Dick, Bruce, Chuck, Terry and Fitz getting ready to board the General Jackson Paddlewheel riverboat.
Naomi, Deanne and Terry on their way.
Lauren making her way to the riverboat.
I think they said the General Jackson would carry over 300 people.
Lauren, Kathy, Nancy and Carolyn glad that the men left the table, to get their food at the buffet, so they could get a break.  
Fitz, Terry, Deanne, Nick  and Dave arranging his purse.
Marianne, Bill H. and Barbara regretting they got assigned to this table.
Dan, Brian, Julie and Candace enjoying lunch.  So good to see Bryan and Julie again; and fellow corpsman Dan Smith with his wife Candace. 
Back of Naomi's head, Steve, Ron and Chuck.  Poor Naomi.
Sandra, Bill S., Bruce and Dick Just tallking.
Nancy with Carolyn and Mick arguing about something?
Whitey, Jim, Ken, Pat and Pat's daughter Julie thinking about dessert.
Leslye, Tyler and Lauren.  I think Lauren just gave Tyler some surprising news about something?
The side of mary's head, Norm, Roger, Elaine and Marlene enjoying lunch.
Tom, Kathy and Nancy finishing up.
The five previous pictures were of the show on the cruise.   Don't remember who they are but they definitely put on a great show!
Modern piece of art in the foreground with Nissan Stadium (where the NFL team Tennessee Titans play football) in the background.  
The Nashville Skyline
Top deck of the General Jackson where the gift shop is located.
Nice picture of Elaine, Dave and Leslye.
The huge paddlewheel that propels the General Jackson.