2021 - San Antonio, TX
Pg. 4
On Friday Pancho arranged for us to eat dinner at VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) Post 76.  You can see that it's the oldest post in Texas on the sign.
Pancho is here with family members Olivia, Joshua and Lesley who treated us to a delicious dinner.  Thanks very much for the great meal and the pleasure of meeting each of you.
Here's Dave with the cowboy hat Pancho gave to him.  They both kinda look like Gabby Hayes.  Pancho and Jackie breeds and sells some beautiful horses on his ranch. 
Terry and MaryAnn waiting for dinner on the balcony of the VFW post along with everyone else..  
Shilin presents Debbie McNabb, the Sr. Sales Mgr. for the Emily Morgan with some 3/26 Marines mugs in appreciation for all the help Debbie has been to us.
Tom explaining all of the special attention Debbie gave to our group and how we appreciated it.
Gabby Hayes and MaryAnn talking about their farm.